Mathematic is the door and the key of science, every we run then
we meet mathematic, although we learn about social science we never far away
from it. Since kid we have been taught about mathematic, we knew numbers and
add numbers by using fingers. Do you realize that you always right using
mathematic when you count your money. And, you always right using mathematic
when you count your mark test.

The point of to love math is practice..practice..practice...
and practice. Never boring with that activity. Then, when you can solve
mathematic problem then make you want to know your next ability to solve it
again. You will continue and this makes your mind will always remember about
math. Like you love someone, when you love her/him, you always remember
her/him, then you always want to know about her/him. You want to know her/his
feeling and you want to try to keep contact and give more attention to her/him.
It is the same with math, when you give full attention on it, you will know
mathematic well, then mathematic will give good feedback to you then you love
How lucky you are when you find the beauty on mathematic, you
will do like mathematicians that always think positive to solve their problems,
think creative, think simplicity, do honest, think positive and never give up
about their dream and their life. When you love mathematic, you will know that
God is so great that has create mathematic for us. Then you try to find and
solve a riddle or fun of mathematic because most people love fun and happy
condition. So when you find it on mathematic, you will like it.
This is the simple steps how to learn mathematic, do more
practice, Love mathematic and know riddle or fun mathematic. And, you will find
the change on your mind.
For me, first time I know mathematic since kid, and in
elementary school, my teacher always taught me mathematic every day in a class.
Then, she gave me more homework so I always practiced on it. Then, my teacher
gave me more riddle and fun story about mathematic. Bside thay my parents knew
my ability in this subject. They asked me to learn mathematic in university. I
did it with feeling love on mathematic.
And for you that still learn mathematic, don’t be scare if you
cannot solve mathematic problem, it mean that God gives you a chance to be creative people, because you will think
creative to solve it. God gives you a chance to be a people who never give up because
you will try to solve it properly. God give you a chance to be a simple human
to think and face problems because you will try simple solution to solve it. God
give you chance to think positive because you will be positive that you are
abble to solve it. God give you chance to be honest, because mathematic is an
exact science and it has certainty result that could not be annoyed. God give
you chance to know Him, because from mathematic we know one of knowledge that
God give to us. This is a foundation and this is a base or key of other
science. Only one subject that act like this, it is mathematic.
How beautiful mathematic is. And we should proud to learn and
to know more about mathematic. Let’s change your mind to love mathematic.
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